I have no scientific knowledge of how deep and how cold something needs to be in order to freeze, fully.
I can see that it is frozen.
And that it is extremely white looking.
Not gray or mushy or watery.
It seems solid.
Mark's out on it, sliding and walking and smiling.
I am glued to the grass.
Don't fall in I say.
I don't know what I'd do I say.
It can't be that deep though he says.
And ok so he's probably right.
But I've seen the way that the stream nearby runs and moves under a thin layer of ice up top,
like a snake wiggling its way
out of a ghost skin
that's no longer his.
I'm just scared.
It's hard to even conceive of smiling and gliding and feeling the thrill.
I don't want to get too wet or too cold.
ghost skin!!!